World Cup Hottie Report is Back!

After four long years, the a World Cup has finally returned, and so has my Hottie Report.  The shorts may be longer, the teams may be younger, but there is a fine crop of hot dudes this year in Brazil.  
I plan on highlighting the hottest just for you in an effort to enhance your World Cup watching experience.  

My "reporting" started as a selfish endeavor, as the TV in my house has soccer going 24/7 for a month every World Cup.  Now, I actually call myself a soccer fan, and the icing on the cake is the hotness on the field.  I even wanted to attend the tournament in person this year, but my husband put the kaibash on that plan as he didn't think it appropriate to attend with baby in tow.

Speaking of my baby, it's awfully difficult to find time to blog being a mom now, but I will do my best to keep you informed of all the pertinent male hotness at the games.  I don't want to disappoint my eager readers!  Quoting an anonymous friend, "We need your guidance...WHO is HOT?  I'm adrift here."

Clearly all opinions are my own, and we won't always agree.  Therefore, I also take requests into consideration, so please submit your comments to improve upon my hotness reporting.

Let the hottest team win! (Actually, go Team USA!!!)

Hottie Reports

Argentina vs. Germany - Who's Hotter?