Of Course It's Porn

I love the news articles debating whether or not Author E.L. James's "50 Shades of Grey" book series is pornographic or not.  Of course it is.  And I love it (and don't think it should be banned in libraries).

Here is what I love about this juicy series:

  1. Porn for the ladies has gone mainstream, which helps our culture acknowledge women have needs, too.
  2. It broadens people's sexual horizons and provides a delicious "Vanilla Sex" guidebook.
  3. Finally, the "release"  needed after reading page after page of sexual tension with almost ZERO graphic intercourse in the "Twilight" and "Hunger Games" book/movie series.
Here's what I don't love about this book:
  1. The protagonist Anastasia Steele can't be a grown-up and say "vagina" or any other real words to describe her female anatomy (I counted it once).
  2. How unrealistic is it for a modern day secular, hot, 21-year old skinny bitch in COLLEGE to have only achieved first base by graduation, not have her own computer, and be dumbfounded by text messaging and email?
  3. Yet another book about an insecure girl who's only hobby is reading classic English literature, let's a domineering, wealthy man control her life, and has a super-hot "brown" man lusting after her who's "just a friend" (almost verbatim to Bella in "Twilight").
I will be the first to admit, reading these books classifies me as a stereotypical, 30-something heterosexual woman, but I know I'm not alone (Saturday Night Live captured the phenomenon perfectly!).  I need something to balance out the onslaught of educational content I absorb on the regular from the likes of "The Economist", technical white papers and NPR.  Plus, I love me some porn. Not Jenna Jamison-style porn, but Red Shoe Diaries type porn that's unfortunately, very hard to find (Future blog post: Where to Find Good Female Porn).

Who should star as "Christian Grey" in the "50 Shades of Grey" movie?
There are rumors the book series is being made into a movie.  Tell me, who do YOU want to see if they make a movie?  

My Picks? Ryan Gosling & Matt Bomer.