I caved and got a chemical peel. It's not plastic surgery, but I still feel weird about it. I think turning 35 last month trumped my "green beauty products" philosophy and turned me to the 'dark side'. I'm sure I'll feel better about the whole thing once this layer of snake skin peels off my face!!!
Yes, that's right. I'm molting. My face looks reptilian in nature. I woke up this morning and it was as if Elmer's glue had dried on my face. Of course I picked most of it off immediately, which you're not supposed to do because it can lead to splotchy skin. But that's like putting a out a plate of delicious brownies in break room and expecting your colleagues to NOT eat them within 30 minutes. Impossible.
I had my first chemical peel a month ago, but it was a "mini" version to see if my face could handle the real thing. I'm not so sure I was ready. The rubber cement-like application process burned and hurt like a beotch for about 15-20 minutes. My fresh skin stings - probably because I can't stop picking at it. I look like a peeling, splotchy, 35-year-old mess. Humph.
No, I won't be posting a photo of my Snake Face. You will just have to tell me how radiant and wrinkle free I look when you see me next. Which none of you will for at least a week.
But I'm curious, have any of you tortured yourself in a manner such as I?