I am a Groupon addict. I literally can't stop Grouponing. There, I said it. Am I the only one? Please tell me so I don't feel so cold and alone.

What's not to love? Awesome shopping deals that aren't for Spam or toilet bowl cleaner, coming to my inbox each morning as I start my work day. I "harmlessly" spend 2 minutes making a decision whether or not to purchase, double checking the validity of the vendor on Yelp, and then I get back to work.
Some may ask, what is Groupon? For those of you who have been living under a rock for 2 years (or in Telluride), Groupon is a "daily deal on the best stuff to do, see, eat, and buy in a variety of cities across the U.S., Canada, Europe and soon beyond." Groupon competitors are popping up everywhere. I am now a member of Living Social (I have no loyalties when 50% off restaurant deals are abound). The movement has moved south of the equator as well. Friend Julio Vasconcellos started the wildly successful Peixe Urbano", Brazil's answer to Groupon. So I obviously can't be the only one with this addiction!
I am going to self-diagnose this compulsion. I think Grouponing will only become problematic if I don't use the coupon certificates in time, thereby forfeiting the money spent and it no longer being a 'deal'. Admittedly, it does take time to proactively manage my purchases to ensure I do not fail at this task.
But right now, I'm having fun branching out into other neighborhoods and eating from new restaurants, testing out new salons and experimenting with new classes and hobbies. Give it a try, but here are some tips below:
Groupon Best Practices

What's not to love? Awesome shopping deals that aren't for Spam or toilet bowl cleaner, coming to my inbox each morning as I start my work day. I "harmlessly" spend 2 minutes making a decision whether or not to purchase, double checking the validity of the vendor on Yelp, and then I get back to work.
Some may ask, what is Groupon? For those of you who have been living under a rock for 2 years (or in Telluride), Groupon is a "daily deal on the best stuff to do, see, eat, and buy in a variety of cities across the U.S., Canada, Europe and soon beyond." Groupon competitors are popping up everywhere. I am now a member of Living Social (I have no loyalties when 50% off restaurant deals are abound). The movement has moved south of the equator as well. Friend Julio Vasconcellos started the wildly successful Peixe Urbano", Brazil's answer to Groupon. So I obviously can't be the only one with this addiction!
I am going to self-diagnose this compulsion. I think Grouponing will only become problematic if I don't use the coupon certificates in time, thereby forfeiting the money spent and it no longer being a 'deal'. Admittedly, it does take time to proactively manage my purchases to ensure I do not fail at this task.
But right now, I'm having fun branching out into other neighborhoods and eating from new restaurants, testing out new salons and experimenting with new classes and hobbies. Give it a try, but here are some tips below:
Groupon Best Practices
- Don't spend beyond your means. If you typically don't spend $40 on dinner, don't spend $40 on a restaurant Groupon. Remember, you still need to tip and buy drinks, etc.
- Know the value of your purchase. Is the offer really a deal? Does that ticket to Oktoberfest typically cost $5, but you just paid $15 because it comes w/ a beer and a brat?
- Will you really use it? If you never shop at Brooklyn Industries, or you can't buy anything for the $30 they are offering, then just don't buy it.
- Do your homework. Has this company been reviewed on Yelp? Do a Google search for the business to see what reviews pop-up and make your purchasing decisions accordingly.
- Check the expiration. If it's going to snow for the next 5 months and the Segway certificate will expire in 4 months, don't buy it. Make sure you have time to use what you buy.
- Make a Reservation. Make sure you call the business in advance before you cash in your certificate to verify when you can use it. Some businesses have been overwhelmed by their Groupon success and have stipulations for you to abide by.
- Take some risks! Have fun with your purchase and try new things. Set up group dinners, girls spa days or dance classes with a partner. Now is your chance to try that French cooking class you couldn't afford before.