If you've haven't been living under a rock for the last 5 days (my brother), then you know about the massive airport shut downs across Western Europe due to the volcanic eruptions in Iceland. I have had the unique privilege to be a part of it while traveling for work. Here's a snapshot of my adventure....thus far:
Wednesday, April 14, 8pm CDT
Packing for my trip. Discover my 6am flight from Chicago to London has been canceled. Ahhhhh, don't have to wake up at 3am to get to airport. I should I finish packing. But this wine taste so good. Movie with hubby sounds better than packing. Should sleep more. I think I need to bring more shoes....
Thursday, April 15, 5am CDT
Receive call from United that my 9am flight canceled as well. I don't want to sit at my desk & call my travel agent, United AND Delta. I'll just take a bath, & put both my cell phones on speaker while I listen to hold music for 40 minutes on each. Kitties, stop trying to get into the tub with me! Are these work meetings really that important, or do I just want a trip to Europe? Hmmm...
Thursday, April 15, 7pm CDT to Friday, April 16, 11:30am GMT + 1
Swiss Air flight from Chicago to Zurich. I unknowingly get myself booked on one of the last flights into Europe, but it's Zurich, Switzerland instead of London. Plan: Get to Paris then take chunnel train to London. May "have" to spend the weekend in Paris. I've never been to Zurich, where is Zurich? Why didn't I wear more comfortable pants for my 9.5 hour flight? Crap, forgot my toothpaste. So glad I showered right before my flight because who knows when I will next? Why is everybody else sleeping but me? Maybe I should drink more wine? I hate sitting in the middle. Do these pants make me look European?
Friday, April 16, 1pm to 9pm GMT + 1
Standing in 3 block line at Zurich train station. What do you mean the Eurostar train to London is sold out? And no fast TGV trains out of Zurich? I want to eat chocolate croissants, wear posh sunglasses, hide my American accent, and shop on the Champs Elysses! GET ME TO PARIS! I'll do anything to get out of this organized, clean and unexciting Swiss city. Of course I'll take give separate local trains through Switzerland and France to get to Paris. Lovely Pamela from Sweden helps me navigate the stations because Ich spreche kein Deutsch. Now that I'm alone on this 20 minute train to who knows where, I'll just shut my eyes for a minute....
Wake up in Mulhouse Ville, I walk through the station, where one side is Switzerland, and the other side is France. German language stops and French begins! Trying to hide my excitement and still look European, I squeal on the inside of the sheer coolness of it all.
Light at the end of the tunnel--I see Paris in the distance. These pants were definitely a good idea. Book room at the Le Meridian, but don't know where in the city it really is. Now how did I navigate this city in '98?
Friday, April 16, 9pm GMT + 1
Finally in Paris. En route to hotel of who-knows-where. At least I'll get Starwood points. Cabbie gives me amazing sunset tour of Pareeeeeee. Turns out Le Meridian is across the street from another train station, could have saved 20 Euro, but views are priceless.
Must eat romantic meal out in Paris, even though am alone. It's cold out here, but at least I look cool in tan pleather jacket. Monsieur Lapine looks fantastic, tastes even better. Nobody notices or cares I am eating alone. My French isn't so bad. Do they know where I'm from? I love this city. I love this cheese. I love this wine! Drunk dial hubby.
Saturday, April 17, 8am GMT + 1 In hotel-Montparnasse, Paris. Too excited to sleep in. See view from window and squeal again, this time aloud. Want to sit at cafe, sip tea from espresso cup, eat pain au chocolat and act Parisian. Find quaint spot, get my pastries at a boulangerie, get fruit at mini-stand and sit outside, cool as a cucumber. I was meant to be here.
Saturday, April 17, 12pm GMT + 1
Attempt #1 at train station. Wait for 2 hours to get Eurostar ticket. See English girl with cat in her packpack, carrying 4 other cats in duffel. Brilliant plan, must tell Dave. Success! Get ticket to London, but not until Sunday afternoon. Must find another hotel closer to the action so can relish in my Paris mini-break. Sneak a look at Paris travel book at bookstore and reserve a room across the street from the Louvre. Tres jolie!
See Klee exhibit and Monet's full-on Lilies at my fav museum, L'Orangerie. Quite hot outside, only brought cold weather clothes. Take train to Sacre Coeur for first time. Can't believe never been here before. Coolest ever. People having drinks on bistro tables outside, walkers with baguettes in hand, on top of hill overlooking Pareeeee! Make it to top, drink and eat my way down, then head to Notre Dame for sunset by the river.
Saturday, April 17, 9pm GMT + 1
Can I really eat dinner alone again? Not good at this. No book in hand. Must forge ahead. Remember fun little spot visited in '98 with Sonch and her dad. Even though a bit touristy, nostalgic for the experience on Ile Saint Louis. Veggies, salamis in a basket, mini-pickles and mustard with all you can drink wine = heaven. And entree hasn't even arrived. Make friends at communal table. Old enough to be my parents, but kept them up until midnight. End up drinking whole bottle with them. Get invited to their lake home in Minnetonka, Minnesota.
Sunday, April 18, 12:30am GMT + 1
I'm sure it's fine to walk home at night alone, right? Bird beaks are ready for any confrontation. Cry at sheer beauty of night time scenery and monuments around Seine all lit up. Crash a hair salon opening party with free champagne and a lot of puffs. Make it home by 1am I'm sure. Drunk email honey...no more battery...crap.
Sunday, April 18, 11am GMT + 1
Hotel Brighton, Rue de Rivoli. Double crap! Overslept. Still time to find marche (outdoor market) before train leaves at 2:40pm? Never one to let time stand in the way, find market about mile from hotel. Even catch the end of a mass at the gorgeous Iglesia des Halles, adjacent to marche. Buy cheese, bread, bananas, tangerines, dried fruits and nuts, for train ride, eat tasty Belgian waffle. 90 minutes before train...probably should head back to hotel. Must sit along car-less road in Maris to people watch and sip tea. Crap! Late for train!
Shockingly make it to Garre du Nord station with 15 minutes to spare. Supposed to be 30 min early. Nice Parisian girl lets me in line with her, helps me get through double French and UK customs. Am sweating profusely. Trekking to last train carriage doesn't help. Afraid to offend seat companions. Go dry shirt and self with fan in bathroom. Have cool seat at a table with lovely English girl and chat for next 2h45min, must to dismay of German man across from me. Eat baguette and snacks the entire time. In heaven yet again.
Sunday, April 18, 4:30pm GMT
London. Have roughly 3 minutes left on phone battery. Saved for all-important call to long-time camp friend Flipper. Must find way to her home in East London for evening via black cab, was supposed to spend weekend with her. One evening isn't enough to make up for 12 years lost! Wine helps me say more British words like lovely, thus and shall. Refuse to say 'loo'.
Monday, April 19, 8am GMT
Flipper's flat. Why did I drink 12 years of wine last night? Flipper heads to work, I take 3 hours to leave house and become a part of the living. Get to see Danish roommate's photography of boy burlesque. Head on the tube to Marlow, wherever that is. Then take work-sponsored Jaguar (impressive) to my local office 20 minutes outside Heathrow. Time to head to work myself (although most meetings canceled). Sneak in a nap en route.
Fun colleagues make it worth it that night at fancy dinner at Windsor Grill - run by celeb chef Antony Worral Thompson. Must I curb the drinking if I consume the least? Am considered light weight here. Makes me feel better, but pints-Bailey's-vino does not.
Wednesday, April 21, 11am GMT
Still in Marlow, UK. Heathrow started taking in-bound flights last night. May be home by Saturday as scheduled. Stay tuned!
Wednesday, April 14, 8pm CDT
Packing for my trip. Discover my 6am flight from Chicago to London has been canceled. Ahhhhh, don't have to wake up at 3am to get to airport. I should I finish packing. But this wine taste so good. Movie with hubby sounds better than packing. Should sleep more. I think I need to bring more shoes....
Thursday, April 15, 5am CDT
Receive call from United that my 9am flight canceled as well. I don't want to sit at my desk & call my travel agent, United AND Delta. I'll just take a bath, & put both my cell phones on speaker while I listen to hold music for 40 minutes on each. Kitties, stop trying to get into the tub with me! Are these work meetings really that important, or do I just want a trip to Europe? Hmmm...
Thursday, April 15, 7pm CDT to Friday, April 16, 11:30am GMT + 1
Swiss Air flight from Chicago to Zurich. I unknowingly get myself booked on one of the last flights into Europe, but it's Zurich, Switzerland instead of London. Plan: Get to Paris then take chunnel train to London. May "have" to spend the weekend in Paris. I've never been to Zurich, where is Zurich? Why didn't I wear more comfortable pants for my 9.5 hour flight? Crap, forgot my toothpaste. So glad I showered right before my flight because who knows when I will next? Why is everybody else sleeping but me? Maybe I should drink more wine? I hate sitting in the middle. Do these pants make me look European?
Friday, April 16, 1pm to 9pm GMT + 1
Standing in 3 block line at Zurich train station. What do you mean the Eurostar train to London is sold out? And no fast TGV trains out of Zurich? I want to eat chocolate croissants, wear posh sunglasses, hide my American accent, and shop on the Champs Elysses! GET ME TO PARIS! I'll do anything to get out of this organized, clean and unexciting Swiss city. Of course I'll take give separate local trains through Switzerland and France to get to Paris. Lovely Pamela from Sweden helps me navigate the stations because Ich spreche kein Deutsch. Now that I'm alone on this 20 minute train to who knows where, I'll just shut my eyes for a minute....
Wake up in Mulhouse Ville, I walk through the station, where one side is Switzerland, and the other side is France. German language stops and French begins! Trying to hide my excitement and still look European, I squeal on the inside of the sheer coolness of it all.
Light at the end of the tunnel--I see Paris in the distance. These pants were definitely a good idea. Book room at the Le Meridian, but don't know where in the city it really is. Now how did I navigate this city in '98?
Friday, April 16, 9pm GMT + 1
Finally in Paris. En route to hotel of who-knows-where. At least I'll get Starwood points. Cabbie gives me amazing sunset tour of Pareeeeeee. Turns out Le Meridian is across the street from another train station, could have saved 20 Euro, but views are priceless.
Must eat romantic meal out in Paris, even though am alone. It's cold out here, but at least I look cool in tan pleather jacket. Monsieur Lapine looks fantastic, tastes even better. Nobody notices or cares I am eating alone. My French isn't so bad. Do they know where I'm from? I love this city. I love this cheese. I love this wine! Drunk dial hubby.
Saturday, April 17, 8am GMT + 1 In hotel-Montparnasse, Paris. Too excited to sleep in. See view from window and squeal again, this time aloud. Want to sit at cafe, sip tea from espresso cup, eat pain au chocolat and act Parisian. Find quaint spot, get my pastries at a boulangerie, get fruit at mini-stand and sit outside, cool as a cucumber. I was meant to be here.
Saturday, April 17, 12pm GMT + 1
Attempt #1 at train station. Wait for 2 hours to get Eurostar ticket. See English girl with cat in her packpack, carrying 4 other cats in duffel. Brilliant plan, must tell Dave. Success! Get ticket to London, but not until Sunday afternoon. Must find another hotel closer to the action so can relish in my Paris mini-break. Sneak a look at Paris travel book at bookstore and reserve a room across the street from the Louvre. Tres jolie!
See Klee exhibit and Monet's full-on Lilies at my fav museum, L'Orangerie. Quite hot outside, only brought cold weather clothes. Take train to Sacre Coeur for first time. Can't believe never been here before. Coolest ever. People having drinks on bistro tables outside, walkers with baguettes in hand, on top of hill overlooking Pareeeee! Make it to top, drink and eat my way down, then head to Notre Dame for sunset by the river.
Saturday, April 17, 9pm GMT + 1
Can I really eat dinner alone again? Not good at this. No book in hand. Must forge ahead. Remember fun little spot visited in '98 with Sonch and her dad. Even though a bit touristy, nostalgic for the experience on Ile Saint Louis. Veggies, salamis in a basket, mini-pickles and mustard with all you can drink wine = heaven. And entree hasn't even arrived. Make friends at communal table. Old enough to be my parents, but kept them up until midnight. End up drinking whole bottle with them. Get invited to their lake home in Minnetonka, Minnesota.
Sunday, April 18, 12:30am GMT + 1
I'm sure it's fine to walk home at night alone, right? Bird beaks are ready for any confrontation. Cry at sheer beauty of night time scenery and monuments around Seine all lit up. Crash a hair salon opening party with free champagne and a lot of puffs. Make it home by 1am I'm sure. Drunk email honey...no more battery...crap.
Sunday, April 18, 11am GMT + 1
Hotel Brighton, Rue de Rivoli. Double crap! Overslept. Still time to find marche (outdoor market) before train leaves at 2:40pm? Never one to let time stand in the way, find market about mile from hotel. Even catch the end of a mass at the gorgeous Iglesia des Halles, adjacent to marche. Buy cheese, bread, bananas, tangerines, dried fruits and nuts, for train ride, eat tasty Belgian waffle. 90 minutes before train...probably should head back to hotel. Must sit along car-less road in Maris to people watch and sip tea. Crap! Late for train!
Shockingly make it to Garre du Nord station with 15 minutes to spare. Supposed to be 30 min early. Nice Parisian girl lets me in line with her, helps me get through double French and UK customs. Am sweating profusely. Trekking to last train carriage doesn't help. Afraid to offend seat companions. Go dry shirt and self with fan in bathroom. Have cool seat at a table with lovely English girl and chat for next 2h45min, must to dismay of German man across from me. Eat baguette and snacks the entire time. In heaven yet again.
Sunday, April 18, 4:30pm GMT
London. Have roughly 3 minutes left on phone battery. Saved for all-important call to long-time camp friend Flipper. Must find way to her home in East London for evening via black cab, was supposed to spend weekend with her. One evening isn't enough to make up for 12 years lost! Wine helps me say more British words like lovely, thus and shall. Refuse to say 'loo'.
Monday, April 19, 8am GMT
Flipper's flat. Why did I drink 12 years of wine last night? Flipper heads to work, I take 3 hours to leave house and become a part of the living. Get to see Danish roommate's photography of boy burlesque. Head on the tube to Marlow, wherever that is. Then take work-sponsored Jaguar (impressive) to my local office 20 minutes outside Heathrow. Time to head to work myself (although most meetings canceled). Sneak in a nap en route.
Fun colleagues make it worth it that night at fancy dinner at Windsor Grill - run by celeb chef Antony Worral Thompson. Must I curb the drinking if I consume the least? Am considered light weight here. Makes me feel better, but pints-Bailey's-vino does not.
Wednesday, April 21, 11am GMT
Still in Marlow, UK. Heathrow started taking in-bound flights last night. May be home by Saturday as scheduled. Stay tuned!