I actually can't think of any. Wouldn't it be like internal bulimia, making me skinny while I eat my brains out? "Yes, I would like one entree for me, and one for my tape worm." It's brilliant, really. My brother always talks about feeding his tapeworm. That's how he keeps his trim figure and eats full meals 5-7 times a day, so says he.
Apparently, there are people out there who fear getting a tapeworm, and there are self-help guides to support them and their mental condition. One organization vows, "We have never met a case of fear of tapeworm that couldn’t be overcome." Wow. Here's more of their pitch:

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Apparently, there are people out there who fear getting a tapeworm, and there are self-help guides to support them and their mental condition. One organization vows, "We have never met a case of fear of tapeworm that couldn’t be overcome." Wow. Here's more of their pitch:
Fear Of Tapeworm is usually caused by an intense negative experience from your past. But your mind can also create that fear seemingly without basis. The key is digging down to the source and replacing negative associations with positive ones.Ummm...not really what I had in mind. What if I just want to buy a tapeworm? Are they available for purchase? Actually, yes. In Mexico, I could get two tapeworms installed into my intestines for $2,399. The company says the worms would help someone lose weight and with their asthma, too, strangely enough. Are there side effects worth dealing with so I can eat like a lumberjack? According to Worm Therapy, here's what could happen:
Most individuals are either asymptomatic or have mild-to-moderate complaints. Common symptoms include loss of appetite or feeling of fullness, increased appetite, abdominal pain, weakness, headache, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting and spontaneous emergence of proglottids from the anal sphincter. There are rare reports of intestinal perforation in T. saginata infection. When T. saginata becomes sexually mature the gravid proglottids will break off and migrate out the digestive tract. These proglottids are motile and can lodge in the common bile duct, pancreatic duct or the appendix. Blockage of any can result in intense abdominal pain and is life threatening. Intestinal obstruction is a rare complication.Decisions, decisions...

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