Urban Gardening

I have my lovely friend, Tasha, to thank for inspiring me to grow a backyard garden in the depths of Chicago.  I grew Heirloom tomatoes, Swiss Chard, carrots, basil, lavender, and mixed greens.  I even started my own worm bin that I keep in the kitchen, must to my husband's chagrin.  It was difficult to keep white flies off the lettuce, but everything else was pretty easy to grow, surprisingly.  I should have measured the ph of the soil, and I would have grown more foods I like to eat on a regular basis, like onions & rhubarb.  We just made a ton of pesto from the basil, and we're waiting for the tomatoes to ripen to make a stew with.
At our next home, we sadly won't have the sunlight for a vegetable garden, so I will try my shady bush growing skills (I could go so many places with that statement...).